Start With Cookies


Most of the new year’s resolutions include a diet, most likely. My resolution is to make these cookies at least once this year–and most likely for the premier of the new season of Sailor Moon this summer. I don’t have a direct recipe for these cookies, but they seem to be based off of the ‘Stained Glass Window’ type of cookie, and an excellent recipe for those can be found here:


They are based on the Sailor Moon Crisis locket. While there is no cutter for this shape, they are basic enough that you can use two small circle cutters, two hearts, and form the wings and ‘crown’ by hand.


This is one of the most coveted lockets (and toys) imported from Japan from when the series was released. New in the box, this one toy can be sold upwards of two-thousand dollars to serious collectors.


Those with a creative mind can make them by hand, and in many cases, they are just as stunning–and even more coveted than the originals.